You are a struggling male
Accountability Apps
Usable on any device, the Fortify app is accountability and includes a personalized “battle tracker” to learn about one’s own weaknesses, a personalized plan to combat these weaknesses, progress tracking, video lessons, webinars and more.
App developed by LifeTeen. The Victory app provides a strategic battle plan for liberty in the struggle against pornography. Accountability includes an in-app “prayer request” button to instantly message your accountability partners. Plus a daily tracker, daily check in, and inspirational content.
Personal Accountability Programs
“Strive21” Challenge by Covenant Eyes
STRIVE is a powerful 21-Day Porn Detox that helps men understand why they go to porn and equips them with the knowledge, tools, and accountability needed to quit porn.
Cost: This tool is FREE!!
“The 40 Day Email Challenge” app by Covenant Eyes
The 40 Day Challenge is a focused, step-by-step email series designed to help you put porn behind you forever. Each day, you’ll receive an email with:
- Articles that will educate you and encourage you on the road to freedom
- Exclusive video content
Practical action steps to retrain your brain. And more! Cost: FREE
Online recovery programs
Freedom Coaching
Founded by Catholic therapist Steve Pokorny, Freedom Coaching is designed specifically for those who have tried “everything” but still can’t break the chains of compulsion to pornography. The website explains the coaching process and has links to the podcast and book, Redeemed Vision.
Reclaim: God’s Plan for Sexual Health
RECLAiM Sexual Health offers a science-based, Catholic online recovery program and other resources for those who desire to reclaim God’s plan for their lives and the lives of loved ones impacted by pornography or other unhealthy sexual behaviors.
Integrity Restored
Integrity Restored is a Catholic apostolate that provides education, training, encouragement, and resources to break free from pornography, heal relationships, and to assist parents in preventing and responding to pornography exposure which is so devastating in the lives of our children. The website has an online 7 Step Plan to overcoming pornography developed by Dr. Peter Kleponis.
Face to face groups
Begin Again Freedom Groups
Abba Healing Services is now starting “begin again” freedom groups. Are you an adult male who is wanting to gain freedom from pornography addiction? Get skills, knowledge, and brotherhood from weekly group meetings facilitated by a certified sex addiction therapist. Sessions meet in Owensboro. Some of the things you will learn:
- Am I really addicted?
- How bad could it really be?
- What am I doing to sabotage my progress?
- What can I expect as I begin to experience freedom?
- How does the addiction work?
- How did I become addicted?
- What are the immediate steps that I need to take?
- What are the deeper roots of my addiction?
- How can I begin to heal the deeper roots?
Space is limited. To book a spot, call 270-297-9192 ext 1
Catholic in Recovery groups
The Diocese of Owensboro Office of Marriage & Family Life will be sponsoring Catholic in Recovery groups across the Diocese. Contact the Office of Marriage & Family Life for details.
Sexaholics Anonymous
Sexaholics Anonymous is a recovery program based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous that received permission from AA to use its Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions in 1979. SA is a fellowship of men and women who desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. SA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization, or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes. Our primary purpose is to stay sexually sober and help others to achieve sexual sobriety.
According, there are face-to-face meetings in Bowling Green, Henderson, Paducah, and Owensboro.
There are also phone-in meetings available through
Spiritual Direction
Sometimes we all need someone to talk to. Spiritual direction with a trained director can help us encounter the movements of God in our lives. There are several spiritual directors ready to meet with clients in Diocese of Owensboro. Contact the Office of Marriage & Family Life for details.
Catholic Charities
The Diocese of Owensboro offers a Congregation Assistance Program to provide parishioners with short term counseling. Catholic Charities and most parishes supplement a reduced rate for counselors who are in our network through Catholic Charities. Find a list of those counselors here.
Certified Sexual Addictions Therapist (CSAT)
For cases where more focused counseling pertaining to sexual addictions is required, there is a Certified Sexual Addictions Therapist (CSAT) available in our diocese as well. Contact Ethan Bennett, LPCC, CSAT candidate, EMDR Therapist with Abba Healing Services at 270-297-9192.
Intensive Retreats
Bethesda Workshops in Nashville offers Christian healing retreats for men, women, partners of addicts, parents of teens who are acting out, and couples.
“Bethesda truly is a place for healing. We never thought we’d find the serenity and peace we have now in our marriage. As a recovering sex/porn addict and spouse, we now know that we are not alone in this struggle and that there is redemption to be found in the pain and suffering of addiction. The information and resources we each received on our intensive weekends have been invaluable not just to us, but to our children, family and friends. Our lives will never be the same. Thanks be to God!”
– Parishioners in the Diocese of Owensboro
The Diocese of Kansas City, Kansas hosts “My House” intensive retreats several times a year.
John Paul II Healing Center in Tallahassee, FL offers several healing retreats. Some are held in different areas around the country. They also have workbooks you could work through on your own for self-reflection available in their online store.